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The Type of Energy Investment in the Market


In energy market there are 3 different ways to invest on the project.


1. Outright Purchase

It is a direct cash investment from the company. Company that invests by themselves, they could enjoy tax incentives or grant provided by the government. For owner who favour short ROI, outright purchase should be considered while the tax incentive is still available.


2. Financing

Financial institutions are aware of the energy saving project in the market. In fact, they are very supportive toward businesses who are intended to apply financing with different package. Financing also entitled to enjoy the tax incentive or grant provided by the government which encourage the building owner to adopt renewable energy. 


3. Zero Capital or Investor Program

The program is to help building owners to invest in the energy project while  preserve their cashflow for business expansion. Zero Capital program is available for building owners where we collaborate with our investors to invest on the energy saving project, and owner could share the saving with investor together under a contract within a specific period of time.

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