Under the government NEM 3.0,NEM Rakyat a 100MW of quota has been allocated for consumer to install solar so that can also enjoy the lower energy cost. Under NEM Rakyat, the energy produced from the solar PV system on the homeowner’s roof will be consumed first, and any excess will then be exported to the national grid in the form of credit in the homeowner’s TNB account. The credits earned will be used to offset part of the homeowner’s electricity bill on a “one-to-one” basis for a period of ten (10) years.
With solar PV system, homeowners can
Enjoy electricity bill savings of up to 90%
Positive return of investment (ROI)
The comprehensive after-sales service package
Lower carbon footprint
Increase the value of your property
Double protection for roof
Importantly, NEM Rakyat is regulated by the Energy Commission of Malaysia (EC), with Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia as the implementing agency.
To be eligible to be enrolled in NEM Rakyat,
A registered consumer of TNB or a person applying to be a consumer of TNB
Subscriber of Tariff A: Domestic Tariff
Not a delinquent who has not paid their bills or is involved in a meter tampering case
Renewable energy shall only be generated from solar PV
Provide documents: Identification card (MyKad), TNB bills,Photocopy of the Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) of the premise ,Photocopy of land title ,Photocopy of the quit rent bill ,Marriage certificate (if the property is under the spouse’s name) ,Birth certificate (if the property is under the parent’s, child’s, or sibling’s name)
Appoint your energy expert, they will assist you in your application submission. After confirmation of system size and succession on the application, installation works will be scheduled. Lastly, upon commissioning of the system, you may now enjoy the electricity saving.